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Transformations: Text
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Yufei started training with us at the end of 2022. She has trained twice a week with a trainer very consistent plus doing one to two sessions on her own in order to practice the new learned exercises, and further improve her muscle-mind connection. 

We not only got her to increase her daily calorie intake significantly but also build a good amount of lean muscle mass. 

Her goal is to compete in her first bikini competition in Season B in 2024. 

Having a solid off season will allow us to slowly drop the calories and chipping away on the body fat while maintaining the maximum muscle mass. 

Transformations: About


Bhumika came with the goal to lose weight and feel better in her body. 

Not only has she lost more than 7kg since we started working with her, but she has improved her knowledge about exercise and nutrition, so can continue to achieve her goals even while traveling. 

Transformations: About


Check out this client transformation! 

This is an incredible transformation and success story of our lovely client, Courtney. She has been working with us since the end of last year. Courtney trains three times a week and we adjusted her nutrition according to her goal. In addition to the three gym sessions, Courtney completes one cardio session on her own (or she joins us for our Saturday morning run - Melbourne). 

Here, we took the slow and steady approach of cleaning up her diet to fuel her with nutritious food rather than putting her on a strict meal plan. Balance is the aim of the game! 

Congratulations on the amazing result and keep up the hard work @courtneyyminter !!!

Transformations: About
Transformations: About


Sam has been training with us for many years. Her goal was to find a healthy and well-balanced relationship with food and feel good from the inside out. 

Taking her off a restricted diet and helping her to follow intuitive eating and listening to the body has transformed her.

Not only did she drop a lot of stress around eating, but has also managed to drop body fat while maintaining a great amount of muscle! A healthy mind leads to a healthy body! 

Can’t wait to see what the future will bring! Consistency is key 👊🏼 🔑 



Troy has been training with us for 2 years now and his goal was to build more size and gain muscle.

Putting him on a structured workout program and also adjusting his nutrition according to his goal has worked wonders! 

He put on 8kg while maintaining a great shape!

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Transformations: About


This is one of my transformations during a cutting phase for a bodybuilding competition back in 2020 (not stage-ready, just the beginning of the cut). 

I was working towards my INC/ IFBB shows which then got canceled. However, I think this is a great way to show what can be done if you put your head down and get to work.

The photo on the left was of me in April 2020 on roughly 2200 calories while doing six (6) weight sessions and no cardio. The photo on the right was taken in June 2020, when I was eating 1700-1800 calories while training six (6) times a week and also doing 2-3 cardio sessions.

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Transformations: About
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Consistency Over Years

Akash was one of our first clients back in 2019! He has been working with us for over four (4) years now and has achieved amazing results!

Yes!!! Agreed he looks great in the pictures.. BUT, let's have a look at the interneal results. 

When he first started, he constantly had low energy levels, lots of negative thought patterns and could barely find the energy to work and maintain his lifestyle. 
Now, fast forward to 2024, he started his own company, trains regular and has a active and happy social life, where he motivates his friends to come to the gym. 

This is A TRUE SUCCESS story of what can be done! 

Transformations: About
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